What Does Thelema Tarot - Portfolio52 Mean?
The Ultimate Guide To Thelema Tarot - Lo Scarabeo Srl
Thelemic Tarot divination needs the technique called 'dignities'. The technique of self-respects is totally described in a related post: 15-card Thoth Tarot. The cards are checked out in sets of three, so we can use the essential self-respects of the Tarot. The card pictured below is Egyptian Tarot of Thelema Atu II, The Priestess.
Prepare yourself and the deck by invoking. I invoke thee IAO, that thou wilt send out HRU, the terrific Angel that is set over the operations of the Secret Wisdom, to lay his hand undetectably upon these consecrated cards of art. Hence shall I obtain true knowledge of hidden things, to the splendor of thine inexpressible Call! AUM.
Shuffle and cut the deck into 3 stacks. Put them back together in one stack guaranteeing that the cards that were at the bottom of the deck prior to cutting are now on the top. 2. Lay out the first card. That will be the central focus. Place a second card to the right of the very first.

Thelema Tarot – Lo Scarabeo S.r.l.
Examine This Report on 1 Deck Thelema Tarot Cards by Renata Lechner - Toulestarot
The significance of the centre card may then be evaluated according to the modifying influence of the other 2 (supporting) cards. Thelemic Tarot Pyramid Spread In the sphere I am all over the centre, as she, the area, is no place found. Yet Additional Info will be known and I never ever. Liber AL, II: 34 The Thelemic Tarot Pyramid Spread is a three-dimensional expansion of the three-card method.

It is numbered zero as it represents Da'ath, the non-sephira figured by Set-Hadit. The other three cards are laid out to form an upright triangle. On the Tree of Life, Da'ath is the apex of a tetrahedron of which the first 3 numbers form the base. Prepare yourself and the deck by invoking.

Thelema Tarot Deck Lo Scarabeo – TarotMerchant
Lay out the cards as revealed here, forming a supernal triad with Da'ath at the apex of the tetrahedron. The very first numbered card (Kether) is the start or root of the matter. The 2nd card (Chokmah) is the manifestation or development of the matter. The third card (Binah) constitutes the reality of the matter, and may take the form of advice provided, wisdom or understanding of the matter.